Part 21: Extras - Prison Book Bad Endings
BAD ENDS Ive got a prison in my pocket
Alright ladies and goons, today were going to look at some more bad endings we can blunder into in Riven.

The theme of the day is the prison book. As a reminder, this is a one-use trap that puts anyone who puts their hand on the panel in a black void. If anyone else touches the panel, they swap places with anyone who happens to be inside.
Its dangerous, and Riven does not stop you from doing some pretty stupid shit with it.
Ending Five

You may remember, you get the prison book from Nelah when you get to Tay.

From this point on the prison books sits in your limited inventory, and can be opened and observed at any time.

So yes, you can immediately open the prison book and slap your hand on the panel.

It ends as well as youd expect.

After a bit of blackness, you get treated to the following scene. The Moiety fellows speak in muffled Rivenese, but the context makes the conversation clear.

It starts with this goggled fellow staring intently at the you, or the panel youre stuck in. The flickering light makes it clear that right behind you is a fire.

He starts to reach out for the panel, but his friend smacks his hand with a stick.

They have an unintelligible conversation. One imagines the seated fellow is saying that it looks like a perfectly normal linking book.

This friend then likely explains that Catherine said it was a trap, and the little figure seen in the picture is the idiot who slapped his hand on the panel and got himself trapped. Especially since he vanished from a locked room leaving nothing but the book behind.

Point made, the first guy gives you one last look,

And then he shuts the book, presumably shortly before throwing the book on the fire.

The end, roll credits.
The Moiety, rightfully so, didnt want to mess with the dangerous one person trap, especially since you just demonstrated you cant really be trusted with it. But hey, you kept it out of Gehns hands, right?
Ending Rank: Yep, it works.
Ending Six

Now thats if you trap yourself in a moiety controlled area. But most of the game is under Gehns dominion.

Lets use the lovely lakeside dock near the village for this next demonstration.

Crack open the prison book, slap your hand on the panel

And lets see where we end up next.

The book opens up to Cho, Gehns personal lackey.

Hes giving the book a very concerned look, but Gehn can be heard offscreen, speaking in Dni. Hes urging Cho to do something.

It becomes clear soon. With a fair bit of trepidation, Cho puts his hand on the panel.

You pop out in front of Gehn, holding the book.

Gehn is, naturally, skeptical.

He doesnt waste any time though. He steps back, grabs his gun, and shoots you. Presumably in the gut because he talks for a while as you bleed out in front of him.

Hey, at least someones happy here.

At this point your vision and hearing fades as you get closer to death.

The last thing you hear, muffled and distant, before you pass on is the following.

The end, roll credits.
Well, on the bright side Gehn doesnt have access to Dni and the multiverse. Youre dead as hell though and Catherine is doomed. And, more importantly, Cho is stuck in the prison book forever, so this is truly the worst end possible.
Ending Rank: Cho, we hardly knew ye
Ending Seven

Now, those are the two possibilities of what happens if you trap yourself.

But what happens if you open the prison book up after you trap Gehn?

The book is still in your inventory, and it looks like Gehn is sitting pretty in Dni. Riven certainly wont stop you from putting your hand on the page.

Lets let him out, shall we?

Gehn opens up the book soon afterwards.

Piece said, Gehn close the book.

The end, roll credits.
It could be that Gehn keeps the book around, even opening it up every once in a while to say hi. And with the way Atrus made this book, you cant even communicate back. Not that thats ever been an obstacle
Ending rank: At least he thanked you.
Ending Eight

Okay, letting him go is bad. But what if you released him someplace where he wasnt in control?

For example, Tay.

You have to be really trying to get this one. You get the prison book from Tay, after all, and theres no reason to come back here afterwards, especially after you trap Gehn.
But if you do

You get a good look at Gehn, all kitted out for a fight. Nice of him to have a word with us before he started.

Its the exact same speech from here though.

He thanks you for your service, and then closes the book.
I dont know exactly how much success he expects as a single armed man against a society but you are right in the cave leading back to Riven. One can only assume Gehn grabs a posse and, ah, pacifies the resistance.
Ending Rank: Imagine a boot stamping on a face forever.
Ending Nine
Theres one more mistake you can make in Riven. It still relates to the Prison book, but only tangentially

It involves Gehn and him wanting you to go first into the prison book. Youll recall that the first time around he mentioned hes a very busy man and to be certain if you call him on the bell.
Lets waste his time.

We hesitated the first time around in the LP proper, but heres what he would have said if we sat on our hands during our second visit.

Wait around and he gets more insistent.

He eventually loses patience and backs off while giving you a fantastic skeptical eyebrow.

He leaves without another word.

Menacing stuff. Lets bother him again.

Gehn goes straight to the table the third time.

Hes definitely tired of you by now.

Wait long enough, and Gehn probably starts to suspect something.

Which is why the next thing he does is pick up his gun and shoot you. Its another slow death. Gehn likes to talk, after all.

The end.
Ending Rank: Tyrants enforce the penalties they want.
Thank you very much everyone. This has been a fun LP to write, though I admit I was struggling with a very buggy port and lots of hard crashes near the end. Thank you for taking an interest in this LP, and I hope this has presented this two decade old game in a way that was understandable and interesting.
Now, to see if I can get Exile to work.